Freespire Blog

The freedom of choice

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Freespire 2.0 Alpha Based on ubuntu

The latest Freespire 2.0 build (1.2.42) has been released, based on ubuntu core packages. This is Alpha software so beware, but if you have a test machine give it a try...


  • At 8:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Just as any version I have ever tried of Ubuntu, Freespire 2.0 refuses to load on this machine. It freezes after getting to the desktop. No matter what I disable (APIC), nothing gets the OS to run.
    I am finishing a build using an ASUS mother board and an AMD 4000+. I hope to make LINUX my main OS.....IF I can get it to run....
    Any ideas...Reply to

  • At 2:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    The new build has been in service for a year. It is a Cooler Master Ammobox containing the Asus MB, the AMD 4000+ mentioned before and an AVI 1650 video card. The audio is on board. There are two gigs of quick ram. It works. Ubuntu 8.10 and the newest Kubuntu Beta are a dual boot. The 8.10 is especially facile and easy to run. I am impressed by the newest Gnome interface. The official Kubunty Jaunty...... will be available on April 25. I look forward to downloading the upgrade. Ubuntu is the most complete of the distros I have seen. BTW.....the Freespire based on Ubuntu does load on this machine.

  • At 1:55 PM, Blogger KaterinaKaleidescope said…

    Bought this tower last year from Sears when it had a rebate and was extremely cheap. Its loaded with Linux Freespire. My HP Windows xp pro tower blew a motor a month ago,so decided to put this one to use. My problem is that i am not a geek, so am completely in the dark as to how to use Linux Freespire or any other Linux distribution. Am reading all the forums, seems Freespire has very few tutorials. Thanks for reading.

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Freespire is the poor cousin to Linspire. At one time it was named Winspire; you can guess why the name was changed!
    Presently it is built on the Ubuntu engine. Ubuntu is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) just as is Windows. That means that the guts of the machine is hidden below a cute name. Without it, nothing works.
    I have not used either Linspire nor Freespire but I would venture to say that they come loaded with programs which make them competetive with Windows.
    If the machine is loaded with Linux, turn it on and follow the prompts. The menus will look very much the same as Windows. It probably has Open Office 2.4 loaded on it somewhere. You may also find several programs to handle your graphics (pictures) as well as music, and even a little program called GIMP. Don't be afraid. It will work.
    The machine I tried to load Ubuntu Linux on was not ready for the challenge. All newer machines (five or so years ago) should have all the hardware necessary to run Ubuntu. I have been using it solely for over a year and every time I get wistful over Windows I run across another email warning that Windows XP has now been made obsolete by another program running in Vista. No more Windoze for me. I like free. I like that all these brains around the world have put this together and IT WORKS!


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